Help your staff understand what eating disorders are, and feel confident they know how to spot signs which may be a cause for concern. Give them practical ways to support pupils to create a positive culture to help prevent eating disorders.
Find everything you need to deliver effective, up-to-date and compliant training to all your staff this September. It covers part 1 of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024, as well as the latest relevant guidance changes.
Use this session to train staff on what pupil mental health and wellbeing is, how to spot signs that a pupil may be struggling, and to help staff know how to act.
Get your safeguarding training sorted with our editable planner and interactive online calendar.
Keep your staff up to date with important safeguarding information with our termly briefing.
Refresh staff on the importance of being alert to bullying and what to look out for. Make sure they know what to do, including how to respond to discriminatory and prejudice-based bullying.
Help your staff to understand how trauma can affect any child and their behaviour. Feel confident that staff members can spot potential signs of trauma and PTSD, and give them practical ways to support pupils so they feel safe in school.
Use this briefing to give your governing board an introduction to what their strategic leadership responsibility for safeguarding, as set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education, actually looks like.
Do your staff know how to spot the signs of child sexual exploitation (CSE)?
Use this 90-minute briefing to meet your responsibility to include online safety in your safeguarding training.
Use these training materials to help your staff understand why a child might be thinking about suicide, how to spot potential signs, and how to talk to a pupil without worrying about saying the wrong thing.
Use these training materials to help your staff understand why a child might self-harm, how to spot potential signs, and how to talk to a pupil without worrying you're saying the wrong thing.
Use this briefing to help your staff understand the impact domestic abuse can have on children, how to spot signs children could be affected by it, and what to do if they have concerns.
Use these training materials to help your staff understand what anxiety is and when it becomes a concern, how to spot the signs a child may be struggling and how best to support children in school.
Make sure your staff are up to date on county lines drug dealing.
Use this 1-hour briefing to train your staff in recognising and responding to child-on-child sexual abuse.
Use our briefing to train staff in recognising and responding to incidents of sexism and sexual harassment.
Use these training materials to help your staff understand how depression and low mood go beyond a 'bad mood', how to spot the signs that something is wrong, and how to talk to a child about it and help them find ways to cope.
Equip your staff to identify pupils at risk, talk to them about not carrying a knife, and to know what to do if a knife incident happens on or off-site (video + group activity).