
Safeguarding children affected by domestic abuse: staff briefing

Types of abuse
Domestic Abuse

Use this briefing to help your staff understand the impact domestic abuse can have on children, why it's more important to be alert to it now, how to spot signs children could be affected by it, and what to do if they have concerns.

Last reviewed on 21 September 2022
Ref: 66

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Training resources

In this session, staff will:

  • Learn what domestic abuse is, how it affects children, and why you need to talk about it now
  • Learn what signs can help them spot this hidden issue
  • Learn what to do if they have concerns and how to respond to a disclosure
  • Reflect on how your school can promote healthy relationships

You can either use all of the slides and activities for an in-depth session lasting 40 minutes, or skip the activities to give staff a briefer overview that lasts 20 minutes.

How to use these resources

  1. Download the PowerPoint presentation, facilitator notes, group activity document, staff factsheets and common questions
  2. Decide whether your staff need in-depth training, or more of an overview
    • If you want to cover this topic in depth, use all the slides and activities. The session should last around 40 minutes if you do this
    • If you want to give staff more of an overview, miss out the activities. The session should last around 20 minutes if you do this
  3. Work through the facilitator notes. They tell you everything you need to know to prepare and deliver the PowerPoint presentation effectively, including what slides to use or delete to run this session in 40 minutes or 20 minutes. You’ll need these to hand when presenting 

Next ...

... follow up on this session with our safeguarding scenario on domestic abuse. Use it to check whether staff can spot potential signs of domestic abuse, and what they would do.

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A teacher and two students in a classroom.