This briefing is suitable for all governors and trustees. It will give them an introduction to what their strategic leadership responsibility for safeguarding, as set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education, actually looks like.
In 25 minutes, governors/trustees will learn:
- Why safeguarding is important
- What their board’s strategic roles and responsibilities are
- How to fulfil their board’s role in practice
- What to do if they have a safeguarding concern
How to use these resources
- Download the PowerPoint presentation and facilitator notes
- Work through the facilitator notes first. They tell you everything you need to know to prepare and deliver the PowerPoint presentation effectively. You’ll need these to hand when presenting - if you’re training remotely, print them out or have them open on a separate device so you can refer to them easily while presenting your main screen
- Adapt any areas of the PowerPoint slides highlighted in yellow
- Print off and hand round the governor/trustee factsheet either at the start of the briefing or before you cover slide 7