Test whether your staff know how to react to an initial disclosure.
Use this scenario with your staff to test whether they can spot potential signs that a pupil is at risk of forced marriage, and if they know how to respond.
Test whether your staff can recognise a potential image-sharing incident, and how they'd respond.
Use these scenarios to test whether your staff can spot the signs that a pupil is potentially at risk of FGM, or that it has potentially taken place. Make sure staff know how to respond to concerns of FGM.
Use this scenario with your staff to test whether they can spot potential private fostering arrangements, and their knowledge of your school's procedures for reporting concerns.
Test whether your staff can spot potential signs of faith-based abuse, and their knowledge of your school's procedures for reporting concerns.
Test whether your staff can spot the indicators of child criminal exploitation (CCE) and serious violent crime, and know how to respond.
Use this scenario to check whether your staff can spot signs a pupil is potentially homeless, and what they do in response.
Check whether your staff can spot potential signs of fabricated or induced illness (FII) and how they respond with our scenario.
Test your staff's ability to spot signs of witnessing domestic abuse, and how they respond.
Test whether your staff can spot potential signs of child sexual exploitation (CSE), and how they respond.
Use this scenario to see whether your staff can spot signs that a pupil's family member is in prison and that the child is affected by this experience. Test what staff would do to support the pupil.
Test your staff's ability to spot children being at risk of going missing from education, and how they respond.
Test how your staff respond to an allegation against another member of staff.
Test your staff's knowledge of the signs of neglect and what to do if they suspect a child is being neglected.
Test whether your staff can spot potential signs of emotional abuse, and how they respond.
Test whether your staff can spot potential indicators of sexual abuse, and their knowledge of your procedures.
Test whether your staff recognise potential signs of physical abuse, and their knowledge of your procedures.
Check whether your staff can identify low-level concerns relating to other members of staff, and see how they respond.