Helping your school get safeguarding right. Every time.
A unique blend of designated safeguarding lead (DSL) resources, eLearning for all staff, dedicated online safety resources for staff and parents, plus the most comprehensive INSET pack on the market. With the only service that supports your DSL and every single member of staff, you’ll keep safeguarding at the front of everyone’s mind, all year round.

From eLearning and assessments, to factsheets and scenarios,
The Key Safeguarding has what you need to get safeguarding right, every time.
Editor's pick
Safeguarding and child protection INSET pack 2024/25
Everything you need to deliver up-to-date, effective and compliant safeguarding and child protection training to all of your staff this September, including a PowerPoint with videos, facilitator notes, handouts and staff activity pack.

Popular content on Safeguarding this week
Anti-bullying: staff briefing
Refresh staff on the importance of being alert to bullying and what to look out for, and make sure they know what to do, including responding to disclosures.
WhatsApp: parent factsheet
Download and share our factsheet for parents and carers to help them keep their child safe when using WhatsApp.
DSL refresher training
This course recaps all the core aspects of the DSL role as defined in the latest statutory guidance. Ideal as refresher training every 2 years.
Included in your membership:
Ready-to-deliver INSET pack
Released every year ahead of September, so your staff stay engaged and fully up to date with KCSIE
eLearning course library
For all staff, feeding into a handy dashboard to evidence compliance
To check your staff know what to do when a child needs their help
Factsheets and staff briefings
Covering key safeguarding topics so your staff can spot potential concerns before they become issues
So you can identify your team's knowledge gaps and plan training to plug them
Online safety resources
For staff and parents, a suite of quality-assured resources in a range of formats
Downloadable parent factsheets
To educate your wider community on potential safeguarding risks
Who is Safeguarding for?
There’s no limit to the number of users you can add to any of our memberships, but schools tell us The Key Safeguarding is particularly useful for:
- Designated safeguarding leads
- Classroom teachers
- All staff
- Volunteers and contractors
- Deputy designated safeguarding leads
- Parents and carers
- Governors
For access to The Key Safeguarding, choose a Leaders+ or Whole School membership.
Explore pricing and membership options