
Bullying, including cyber-bullying: staff factsheet

Types of abuse
Child-on-child Abuse
Online Risks

Use this factsheet to remind staff what bullying is and why it matters, what signs to look out for, and what to do if they're concerned a child is being bullied, including how to respond to prejudice-based bullying.

Last reviewed on 27 July 2023
Ref: 32

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Staff factsheet

Share this factsheet with your staff to:

  • Remind them about what bullying is and why it's important to be alert to bullying
  • Remind them what signs to look for
  • Make sure they know what to do if a child is being bullied or if they have a concern
  • Help them know what to do if a child tells them about prejudice-based bullying

You could either use it as a basis for talking about the issue at a staff meeting, or send it round for staff to read themselves.

Want to make it more interactive? Use these questions to start a discussion at a staff meeting:

  • When would you refer a concern about bullying to the DSL?
  • What can we do to prevent bullying in our school?
  • Which children are particularly vulnerable to bullying? How can we proactively support these pupils?
  • What does our school policy say about bullying and cyber-bullying?
  • How could we improve our response to bullying as a school?
  • In what ways can we teach pupils about bullying through curricular and non-curricular activities?

Next ...

... use our safeguarding scenario on cyber-bullying to get staff to put their learning into practice, or go into more depth with our staff briefing on anti-bullying.

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A teacher and two students in a classroom.