
YouTube Kids: parent factsheet

Online safety
Online Risks

Share this factsheet with parents to help them keep their child safe on YouTube Kids.

Last reviewed on 19 December 2024
Ref: 1866

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Child safety on YouTube Kids: parent factsheet

YouTube Kids is made for children up to the age of 12. It gives parents greater control over what their child sees than regular YouTube.

All the videos on it are meant to be suitable for children, but there have been reports of videos with upsetting content making it through. Share this factsheet with parents to make them aware of this, and to help them keep their child safe.

You can share this factsheet however you think is best – whether that's by email, printing copies to hand out, or putting it on your school website. We just ask that you keep our logo on it, so it's clear that it was produced by The Key Safeguarding.

If you're sharing this factsheet with parents by email or newsletter, use the following text to introduce it:

"You might have seen stories about upsetting videos on YouTube Kids that aren't actually suitable for children. Follow the steps in this factsheet to help keep your child safe."

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A teacher and two students in a classroom.