Working Together to Safeguard Children: updates for your DSL and staff
Managing Safeguarding
Roles and Responsibilities
Use our resources to understand which changes to Working Together to Safeguard Children affect staff the most and the information you need to update them about.
Last reviewed on 24 January 2024
Download your ready-made resources
This update is suitable for all members of staff. It will give them the information they need about the latest version of Working Together to Safeguard Children.
How to use these resources
- Download the DSL guidance sheet. This will explain what updates are most relevant to all staff and help you decide what to update them on, including extra resources to point them to if they need further training
- Download the staff update sheet. When you've decided what to update staff on, use this sheet to give a quick briefing in a staff meeting or copy and paste the text to send out in an email