
Tips for staying safe online: parent factsheet

Online safety
Online Risks

Share these 10 pointers with parents to help them talk to their child about online safety.

Last reviewed on 21 January 2022
Ref: 1851

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Use this factsheet to make sure parents know what advice to give their children about staying safe online. 

You can share it however you think is best – whether that's by email, printing copies to hand out, or putting it on your school website. We just ask that you keep our logo on it, so it's clear that it was produced by The Key Safeguarding from The Key.

If you're emailing it round or linking to it in your newsletter, you can use the text below to introduce it:

"Feel confident talking to your child about how to stay safe online with the 10 pointers in this factsheet. They give you practical advice on what to tell your child to do and not do, and what to watch out for."

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A teacher and two students in a classroom.