
Safeguarding and child protection INSET pack 2024/25

Managing Safeguarding

Find everything you need to deliver effective, up-to-date and compliant training to all your staff this September. It covers part 1 of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024, as well as the latest relevant guidance changes.

Last reviewed on 2 September 2024
Ref: 2074

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Training resources – primary
Training resources – secondary

Not yet a member? Take a look at our 2023 preview pack

To access our 2024 safeguarding INSET pack, you'll need a Leaders+ Safeguarding or Whole School membership. If you're not yet a member, you can download our 2023 preview pack to see a selection of slides from last year – these will give you a sense of how we help you deliver the information you need to, in a way that keeps staff engaged and embeds the learning.
You'll see:
  • Examples of the videos from last year's INSET pack
  • Examples of the interactivity included
  • Information slides, to give you more of a flavour of what you'll get from the pack this year

Download 2023 preview pack

Continue reading below for information on what our 2024 pack covers and what's new this year.

2024 INSET presentation, fully updated in line with KCSIE

Our safeguarding and child protection INSET pack is written in line with good practice for adult learning, and reflects KCSIE 2024, which came into force on 1 September 2024.

It covers all the key information from KCSIE 2024 part 1.

In about 2.5 hours, staff will learn:

  • What safeguarding is
  • What safeguarding means for staff 
  • How some pupils are more vulnerable than others
  • How to act in pupils' best interests
  • What the 4 main types of abuse are and how to spot them
  • About specific forms of abuse and safeguarding issues to be aware of

As ever, there are activities throughout to keep staff engaged. There's also a handout for staff summarising the main changes to KCSIE 2024.

New for 2024

This year, our INSET pack includes: 

  • Updated slides to reflect KCSIE 2024 and inform staff of the changes most important to them
  • New slides covering changes to the updated Working Together to Safeguard Children guidance and the Prevent duty 2023
  • New slides in our pick-and-choose library of safeguarding issues, covering current online safety issues, underage vaping, children vulnerable to knife crime and parental conflict
  • New videos, scenarios and activities, to keep staff interested and engagement high
  • A new downloadable quiz to test staff on their understanding of KCSIE part 1

Helping schools get safeguarding right. Every time.

  • 4,000 schools and counting
  • Over 45,000 staff trained using our eLearning
  • More than 12,000 downloads of our INSET pack
A teacher and two students in a classroom.