
Child modern slavery: staff factsheet

Types of abuse
Criminal Exploitation

Make sure your staff know what child modern slavery is, what signs to look out for, and what to do if they have concerns.

Last reviewed on 29 September 2023
Ref: 1977

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Staff factsheet

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Share this factsheet with your staff to make sure they understand:

  • What child modern slavery is and what forms it can take
  • What potential indicators to look out for
  • What to do if they have concerns

You could either use it as a basis for talking about the issue at a staff meeting, or send it to staff to read themselves.

Want to make it more interactive? 

If you want to have more of a discussion about the issue at a staff meeting, try these questions:

  • How does child modern slavery overlap with other safeguarding issues?
  • What might stop a child who is a victim from telling us or trying to get out of the situation?
  • How might we tell the difference between normal household chores and domestic servitude?
  • How might we tell the difference between normal work and forced labour?

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A teacher and two students in a classroom.