
Children and the court system: staff factsheet

Family support

Children may be required to give evidence in criminal courts or be affected by a family court proceeding, which can be very stressful for them and impact their mental health. Use this factsheet to increase your staff's awareness and let them know what signs to look out for that could suggest that a child is being affected.

Last reviewed on 18 August 2023
Ref: 1946

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Share this factsheet with your staff to make sure they know:

  • How children might interact with the court system
  • How this might affect a child
  • What signs to look out for that could suggest a child is being affected
  • What staff should do if they have concerns

You could either use it as a basis for talking about the issue at a staff meeting, or send it around for staff to read themselves.

Want to make it more interactive? 

If you want to have more of a discussion about the issue at a staff meeting, try these questions:

  • What warning signs that a child isn’t coping would you look out for?
  • How might this affect a child's learning?
  • As a school, how can we make sure we’re aware of and supporting children who have been victims of, or witness to, crimes  while maintaining confidentiality where needed?

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A teacher and two students in a classroom.