Share this factsheet to make sure your staff know:
- What child sexual exploitation (CSE) is
- Signs to look for in pupils
- What to do if they suspect a child is being sexually exploited
- What to do if they think a child may be in danger
You could either use it as a basis for talking about the issue at a staff meeting or training session, or send it round for staff to read themselves.
Want to make it more interactive?
Use these questions to start a discussion:
- Is a child being exploited if they consent to sexual activity?
- Can 16 and 17 year olds be sexually exploited?
- What sort of sexual activity would count as CSE?
- What signs of CSE might you see in school?
- When would you refer a concern about CSE to the DSL?
- In what ways can we teach pupils about the risks of CSE through curricular and non-curricular activities?
Next ...
... use our child sexual exploitation: the essentials resource pack to deliver more in-depth training on CSE.