
Child abduction and community safety incidents

Types of abuse
Criminal Exploitation

This is a new safeguarding issue that staff who work directly with children are expected to be aware of. Share this factsheet with your staff to make sure they know what it is and what you do as a school.

Last reviewed on 9 August 2023
Ref: 1963

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Staff factsheet

Share this factsheet with your staff to make sure they know:

  • What child abduction is and who might do it
  • What the term 'community safety incidents' means
  • What you can do as a school to help keep children safe

You could either use it as a basis for talking about the issue at a staff meeting, or send it around for staff to read themselves.

Before you share this factsheet with staff, edit it to include how your school teaches children about keeping themselves safe outside.

Want to make it more interactive? 

If you want to have more of a discussion about the issue at a staff meeting, try these questions:

  • What can we do as a school to help keep children safe in the community?
  • What can we do as a school to help keep children safe as they become more independent?
  • How can we build pupils' confidence and abilities when it comes to outdoor safety? 
  • Have you ever been aware of strangers loitering near school? What more could we do to improve safety around our school?
  • How robust are our pick-up procedures?
  • How helpful is the 'stranger danger' message? 

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A teacher and two students in a classroom.