Assembly pack

Assembly pack: how to stay safe online (primary)

Online safety
Teaching Online Safety
Last reviewed on 11 January 2024
Ref: 2023

Download your ready-made resources

Primary PowerPoint presentation and facilitator notes

Download this pack designed for a whole-school primary assembly covering the basics of online safety, and reviewed in light of the Online Safety Act 2023.

In the assembly, you'll cover:

  • The good and bad things about being online
  • How we can stay safe online
  • What we should do if something worries or upsets us

The assembly also includes a video message from Dr. Ranj, well-known to primary children for his work on CBeebies.

The assembly:

  • Can be delivered by your DSL, a member of SLT, or any other member of staff
  • Should take around 20 minutes to deliver
  • Has been designed in consultation with primary teachers

How to use these resources

  1. Download the assembly PowerPoint presentation and facilitator notes
  2. Edit the assembly pack to include the name and a photo of your DSL
  3. Read through the facilitator notes. They tell you everything you need to know to prepare and deliver the assembly effectively, and are also available in the notes section of the PowerPoint

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A teacher and two students in a classroom.