Help your staff understand what eating disorders are, and feel confident they know how to spot signs which may be a cause for concern. Give them practical ways to support pupils to create a positive culture to help prevent eating disorders.
Find everything you need to deliver effective, up-to-date and compliant training to all your staff this September. It covers part 1 of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024, as well as the latest relevant guidance changes.
Keep your staff up to date with important safeguarding information with our termly briefing.
Use this session to train staff on what pupil mental health and wellbeing is, how to spot signs that a pupil may be struggling, and to help staff know how to act.
Download our guide for parents on the risks around high levels of screen time, and what they can do to keep their child safe and well.
Give your staff this factsheet to help them understand the safeguarding issues around generative AI.
Are your parents/carers aware of loot boxes and skins betting, and the risks that these pose to children? Use our factsheet to make sure they are.
Share this factsheet with parents so they know about the risks, including radicalisation, around seeing fake news online, and how they can help their child spot it.
Do your staff know what apps and games are popular with children at the moment? Use this factsheet and activity to make sure they're up to speed.
20.5% of children aged 11 to 17 have tried vaping. Use this factsheet to make sure your staff are aware of this safeguarding issue, and what to do if they find a pupil vaping in your school.
Share this factsheet with parents/carers so they're aware of potential risks on Roblox, and what steps they can take to help keep their child safe.
Share this factsheet with parents to help them keep their child safe on YouTube Kids.
Download our factsheet for parents on how they can keep their child safe on YouTube. It includes information on potential risks to children when using YouTube, and instructions on how to use Youtube safety controls and Family Centre.
Download and share our factsheet for parents and carers to help them keep their children safe when using Snapchat.
Get your safeguarding training sorted with our editable planner and interactive online calendar.
Keep your staff up to date with important safeguarding information with our termly briefing.
Make sure your staff know why this is a safeguarding issue, what they should look out for, and what they can do to support pupils.
Download and share our factsheet for parents to help them understand Instagram's 'teen' accounts, and keep their child safe when using the app.
Share our factsheet with staff so they know what FGM is and what signs to look out for in a child. Make sure they also understand the reporting duty for teachers and know what they should do if they have concerns.
Help your staff recognise the different forms child criminal exploitation can take, know who's more at risk, and what they should look out for and do if they have concerns.
Share our factsheets with parents/carers and with staff, so that they know the risks around sextortion, the signs to look out for and what to do if a pupil is a victim of sextortion.
All schools should have filtering and monitoring systems in place to safeguard pupils online. Use our factsheet to explain to staff what these systems are, how they work in your school, and what staff can do to protect pupils from harmful content online.
Download and share our factsheet for parents and carers to help them keep their child safe while playing the popular video game Fortnite. It explains what Fortnite is, the potential concerns, and practical steps parents/carers can take to mitigate them.
Refresh staff on the importance of being alert to bullying and what to look out for. Make sure they know what to do, including how to respond to discriminatory and prejudice-based bullying.